Thursday, May 30, 2013

Some days just suck

My son is the most difficult about his diagnosis and frankly, I can't blame him.  It is difficult to be the only child at school who can't eat certain foods or has to be careful about how much he runs around.  It breaks my heart because he has to be so careful.  It makes him angry and anxious about everything he does.  I know he just wants to be like every other child but he just isn't.  The blessing in disguise is that his sister is now diagnosed so at least he really isn't the only one.  But he still doesn't deal with it well.
I am so tired today and all I want to do is go to sleep but it's after 9:30 and Michael is still awake.  Being difficult and defiant as usual.  Everything is my fault.  He is tired, he is thirsty, he is hungry.  He won't admit he is tired though so I pray that he wears himself out so I can go to bed too!
It's been a rough couple of days.  Nothing profound here right now.  Just tired and frustrated.  Sometimes it is just too much.

1 comment:

  1. My brother and I both have CPT2. You're right, it is much easier not to go through it alone. In a very strange way, it has also helped keep me close with my brother well into adulthood (I'm in my late 40s). We have a challenge in common, and I know there is always one person in the world who I can call and know he'll understand what I'm going through.
